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We have an active and daily role on the Companies and businesses we invest in, and we search for companies that have a positive impact and contribute for the development in the country and in the communities where they are active.

Together with our investment, we input management and processes, network and knowledge, experience and dynamism to achieve, together with the management team, the growth and excellence each business deserves.

From startups to well established companies, passing through the turnaround of underdeveloped companies we are sector and market agnostic and we have enormous experience in tracking unknown paths and face difficult challenges. 

We believe in PRODUCTION which is the core economic sector that produces goods, satisfies needs, creates jobs and develops communities. Industries and Agriculture are the base foundations for any successful economy.

But we also need, and it is mandatory, to never lose track and invest in the future. INNOVATION and NEW TECHNOLOGIES allow us to do that, and that is why our Private Equity investments are complemented by our Venture Capital ventures.


From startups to well established companies, passing through the turnaround of underdeveloped companies we are sector and market agnostic and we have enormous experience in tracking unknown paths and face difficult challenges.  

We are mainly focused in the EMEA region and we have presence and daily activities in + 7 countries.

Soul Investments is active and has invested in different sectors, and in different business environments, such as Oil & Gas, Mining, Renewable Energy, Trading, Industry, Consumer Products and Brands, Healthcare among others.



Soul Investments has invested in ALLSTREAMS Oil & Gas Services, a Pan African Oil & Gas services provider.

With differentiated services to Upstream, Midstream and Downstream,  we make it different due to the innovative technologies used that brings extra efficiency to some of the different services that oil & gas industry requires.

We also connect  technology to positive environmental impact in our services contributing to the sustainability and risk mitigation of the industry.


Our services cover a wide range of activities within the industry value chain and cover the Upstream, Midstream and Downstream sides of the fence and include, among others:

  • Oil Spills prevention and containment;

  • Shipping technical Management;

  • Maritime transportation;

  • Bunkering;

  • Tank farms and terminals projects, construction and lease;

  • Crude Oil and refined products tanks cleaning and maintenance;

  • Refineries shut downs…   



We have invested in 7 mining licenses in Montepuez and Namuno Districts, Cabo Delgado Province in Mozambique with a total of 94.000 ha of land through.

Rubies, Gold, Corundum, Vanadium, Graphite and Marble are resources discovered and under evaluation of reserves in the licenses held together with local partners. 




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Soul Investments invested in a Solar Energy O&M company in the Middle East (Solar Dynamics) that holds a game changing International Patent that will revolutionize the extremely difficult, non-efficient and expensive solar farms maintenance process.



Soul Investments has Trading companies that mainly trade between Asia, Europe and Africa.

One of the main sectors of our Trading and Commerce is the TELCOM sector where we trade and commerce several specific equipment’s needed and crucial for the TELCOM Industry.

Telecommunications it’s a vital part of any country and economy. In Africa there are enormous challenges to be faced and a huge effort to connect communities and to bring efficiency to the economy is a much needed effort that is being made all across Africa.

We have focused our telecom equipment’s trading and commerce in items that includes, Telecom Shelters, Rectifiers, Antennas and Microwaves, Telecom Generators, Hybrid Generating solutions.

We also have a Trading unit specifically focused on Coffee Trading exporting coffee (Robusta and Arabica) from Angola to Europe and established partnership with one of the biggest coffee world players.

Other Trading unit is focused on customized processed wood from Africa and South America, exotics wood included, parts of it sourced directly from 1 Soul’s subsidiary company – Primewood Ltd. 

Our Trading units also trades opportunistic products and are also active in different several other products on the consumers, healthcare, retail and industry sectors that has grown from the initial support provided to some of our portfolio companies.



We believe in PRODUCTION which is the core economic sector that produces goods, satisfies needs, creates jobs and develops communities. Industry is crucial as base foundations for any successful economy.

We are also investing in a brand new factory in Europe of a new and innovative type of frozen and pre-cooked meals that will bring new concepts and flavors to the consumer. Exports to Spain will initialize in 2024 and to central and north Europe in 2025.

Other Industry Investments in Africa includes Wood Mills, Vegetable Coal processing plants and Fruit Pulp processing plants all for export mainly to Europe.



We have invested in the creation and launch of TUJU line of products in DPH sector focused on Baby and Women lines of products covering Diapers, Tissues, wet wipes, daily care and others.

Tuju line of products are commercialized in Angola, Congo and Mozambique and soon to expand to other countries in Africa.

Also investing in the commercialization of cooking barbecue coal through the new brands BELLA BRASA, AIUÉ and CHEFF available in several regions in Sub-Saharan African countries.



We invested in the growth of an Optical Center Chain (GRUPO IRIS) in Angola from 2 to 15 stores all across the country together with the supply and distribution (SOPTIC) of lens and glasses and several other related products and services such as visual screening and surveys.


Grupo Iris is today the market leader Optical chain in Angola and the social impact produced was significant, contributing through several local partnerships and insurance agreements to the quality of life and scholarship improvement.

Next steps will be the production of lens locally with the setup of new lens factory with state of the art equipment’s so exportation can be achieved to all sub-Saharan Africa.

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